Thursday, 19 November 2009

We are Winning!

According to a new survey , the number of Americans who believe that climate change is connected to human-caused pollution (AKA Global Warming) is at its lowest point in three years. Only 57% of Americans now believe this inconvenient truth -- down from 77% in 2006, when Al Gore's film was released.

The US Chamber of Commerce agrees with me, too.

I close with a quote from St. Beck:
"The earth and the environment are the progressive replacement for God ... now because of our bad SUVs, according to Al Gore, the earth has a temperature. Uh oh. Unless you woke up yesterday, or today, where the temperature in the greater New York area was I believe right around 48 degrees, here in New York in late summer. There have been maybe, I don't know, what a week of typical summer days in New York this year. Period."

Now, if we can just get those freeloading cyclist to pay up!

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